Thorndike Medical Centre Patient Participation Group PPG

The Partners, Doctors and Managers of the Thorndike Medical Centre are keen to consult and listen to patients as they seek ways to improve the services that it offers. One way they do this is by supporting the ‘Patients’ Participation Group’ (PPG).

What is the PPG and what does it do?

The Thorndike Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of up to 15 motivated patients who work as a team. We were founded in 2013.

We aim to improve every patients’ experience at the surgery and to help the surgery deliver innovative, high quality and caring healthcare services that reflect what patients want and need. In particular we seek to support the surgery in communicating effectively with its patients.

Some examples of the work we have undertaken recently include providing detailed feedback on the surgery’s website, making suggestions for clarification on certain procedures such as repeat prescriptions and sick notes and supporting the surgery to deliver medical diagnostic equipment to patients suspected of having covid. We are seeking to re-introduce a quarterly newsletter to keep patients up to date on important information.

We have a constructive relationship with the Partners and Managers at the Thorndike Medical Centre and work collaboratively with them.

How can I help?

We are looking for additional patients to join the PPG. You do not need any expertise or background. We only ask that you have a genuine desire to work as part of a team to help make improvements.

Before making a commitment to join the PPG you are welcome to have a chat with the Chairman and even attend a meeting as an observer.

If you wish to discuss joining the group please download the PPG ‘Expression of Interest’ form (see below) or ask the surgery reception for a copy. When you have completed it please give it to reception or e mail it to the PPG on the e mail below.

Where do we meet?

We meet monthly at the surgery, when circumstances allow. More recently, with the covid pandemic we have been meeting virtually. We focus on the tasks that are set out in the workplan and discuss the progress and actions that need to be taken between meetings. Senior staff attend to brief us on the latest developments and to listen to our views.

Contact the PPG

You can leave a message on the PPG e mail:


Further information about the PPG:

The following links take you to additional information about the PPG:

  1. Terms of Reference Our Terms of Reference set out how we work.
  2. Annual Workplan and 2020 Annual report. This is our 2020 workplan which guides our activity and a report on our activity in 2020.
  3. Expression of Interest Form If you’d like to get more involved please complete the ‘expression of interest’ form and return it to the surgery or e mail it to the PPG.
  4. Newsletters  See our most recent newsletters.
  5. PPG minutes (coming soon) See the minutes of our most recent meetings.
  6. Confidentiality Agreement. We never discuss any individual patient’s issues. However, every member of the PPG must sign the Thorndike Confidentiality Agreement. Depending upon the tasks you perform you may be asked to undertake DBS clearance as well.

We are welcoming new patient


Thorndike surgery and Primary Care nationwide is under severe pressure at this time.


We have been receiving an unprecedented demand over the last year, requests for appointments has increased by 100% and a 3 fold increase in calls to the surgery.


Our patient list size is the lowest it has been for a long while and as we are not considered to be at capacity, we have to abide by the rules of NHS England and promote that our list is open.


We have returned to normal duties and offering face to face appointments where clinically required. Please note although we have increased our GP numbers we currently have several on long term sick.


We thank you for your patience at this very difficult time.


Thorndike Partnership



E-CONSULT is  restricted to 3 hours per day between 8am-11am.


PHONE LINES  our phones lines open from 8am -6.30pm Monday to Friday

on 01634 817217.




FOR PRESCRIPTIONS EMAIL – or use patient access


FOR BLOOD TEST APPOINTMENTS telephone the dedicated blood line on 01634 810814, the line is open from 8am to 5pm