The Thorndike Multidisciplinary Team

The clinical team works together to provide care and patients may speak with a number of team members in the overall management of their condition. For example, a diabetic patient may need an annual review and could see the phlebotomist for routine blood tests prior to booking with a HCA for a diabetic health check. Once the results are back a discussion with the chronic disease nurse may be scheduled to plan ongoing management. An annual medication review and discussion of other medical conditions may occur with the pharmacist. If the patient becomes unwell they may book an acute appointment with the ACP; if it is a particularly complex case the GP may be called to advise on management.

We have a team approach to clinical care at Thorndike. There is a variety of disciplines that all work together and support each other to provide a full range of patient care.

The clinical team is headed by the GPs – these are doctors who have completed junior doctor training in hospitals and then a speciality training programme in community medicine. Upon finishing training they are an equivalent level to hospital consultants. The GPs oversee all other roles and are always available for senior advice if other clinicians have a problem they cannot resolve themselves.

The Nursing Team consists of chronic disease nurses, a treatment room nurse, healthcare assistants (HCAs) and phlebotomists. Our chronic disease nurses are Senior Practice Nurses that are key members of the team for routine chronic disease reviews such as asthma, COPD and diabetes reviews; they can also provide routine practice nursing care. Our Treatment Room Nurse can provide a range of practice nursing appointments including smears and immunisations. Our HCAs and Phlebotomists provide appointments including B12 injections and blood tests.

We are also a training practice and often have trainees working with us. A GP trainee is a fully qualified doctor that will have experience of working in the hospital and has commenced specialty training in community medicine. A GP registrar is a senior trainee in the last year of training before achieving consultant-level status. An F2 (foundation year 2) is a fully qualified junior doctor. We may also have medical and nursing students at times.

The Surgery Staff

The Partners

We are not a limited partnership

Dr Morayo Ojedokun MB BS, MRCGP
Qualified from Ogun State University, Nigeria in 1997. As part of the Medway Vocational Training Scheme, she completed her General Practice Registrar training at the Thorndike Surgery in August 2004 after which she joined the practice as a partner.

She has a special interest in family planning and holds a diploma certificate of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health. She is married with  daughter and is one of the Ministers at her local church. She enjoys music and reading.

Dr Daniel Kerley MBBS, MRCGP
Graduated from Kings College, London, School of medicine in 2009. He subsequently joined the speciality GP training scheme in Kent. He has worked as a partner since 2015 and joined Thorndike surgery as a partner and GP trainer in 2019.

Dr Kerley is particularly interested in elderly medicine and chronic disease management.

Doctors that complement the Thorndike Team

Dr Abiodun A Gbajumo – MBBS, MRCOG, MRCGP

Dr A Moore – MB ChB MRCGP MSc MD


Dr O Arokodare – MBBS, DRCOG, MRCGP


Pharmacy Team

Juhi Mehta – Clinical Pharmacist

Damola Akindutire – Clinical Pharmacist and Independent prescriber

Olubunmi Awoye – Clinical Pharmacist and Independent prescriber

Nursing team

Our qualified nurses deal with a range of conditions and health concerns. They examine patients, make a diagnosis and plan care, including prescribing certain products. They are experts in many areas of disease managements such as diabetes, CHD, and asthma.

Joanne Kerley- Practice Nurse

Sarah Davies – Practice Nurse

Joanne Lord – Assistant Practitioner

Nancy Anderson Trainee nursing associate

Kaitlyn Kenward Trainee nursing associate

Malika Boukhemal Health and wellbeing Coach

Health Care Assistant (HCA)

Linda Hussein

Is an important member of the practice team who works under the supervision of a qualified nurse. She can check blood pressure, test urine, do health checks appointments and run other specific clinics. Patients over 75 years old are required to have annual health checks as are those patients not seen within the last 3 years.


Fran, Nancy, Jo, kaitlyn, Malika and Linda 
We run a very efficient phlebotomy service at the surgery. We currently have Six phlebotomists,

Practice Manager

Ashley Wilton ~  Practice Manager
 is responsible for the overall running of the practice.

Stacey Britten – Assistant Practice Manager


We have three secretaries:

  • Mrs Helen Sterba
  • Ms Gemma Rayner
  • Miss Emma Vaughn
  • Ms Maureen Wilson

They are responsible for referrals, insurance claims and medical reports.

Reception and administrative staff

Our reception & administrative team along with our medical secretaries are here to help you. Their jobs are very demanding so please be patient.

We are welcoming new patient


Thorndike surgery and Primary Care nationwide is under severe pressure at this time.


We have been receiving an unprecedented demand over the last year, requests for appointments has increased by 100% and a 3 fold increase in calls to the surgery.


Our patient list size is the lowest it has been for a long while and as we are not considered to be at capacity, we have to abide by the rules of NHS England and promote that our list is open.


We have returned to normal duties and offering face to face appointments where clinically required. Please note although we have increased our GP numbers we currently have several on long term sick.


We thank you for your patience at this very difficult time.


Thorndike Partnership



E-CONSULT is  restricted to 3 hours per day between 8am-11am.


PHONE LINES  our phones lines open from 8am -6.30pm Monday to Friday

on 01634 817217.




FOR PRESCRIPTIONS EMAIL – or use patient access


FOR BLOOD TEST APPOINTMENTS telephone the dedicated blood line on 01634 810814, the line is open from 8am to 5pm